Today I present you amusing musings on data mining, statistics, overfitting, code breaking, modern publishing, stock market prediction, politics, and of course papal conspiracies.
Consider image A, as shown below.
Let A(:,1) imply column 1 of image A.
Let A(:,2) imply column 2 of image A, and so on
Next consider the following spreadsheet,
Let {A1,A2,...} denote cell values from column 1 of the spreadsheet, and {B1,B2,...} the cell values from column 2 of the spreadsheet, et cetera. Construct image B columnwise using the recipe:
B(:,1) = A(:,1) x A1 + A(:,2) x A2 + A(:,3) x A3 + ...
B(:,2) = A(:,1) x B1 + A(:,2) x B2 + A(:,3) x B3 + ...
until B has the same number of columns as A.Scramble up the Mona Lisa, you get this image.
Now meditate upon this profound revelation.
Contemplate. Ponder. Reflect.
Think about the basis of Western Civillization.
What is the disturbing aura in this image?
Why is Dan Brown so rich?
Yes folks. I've just presented the Matrix that unlocks the secret message within the Mona Lisa image! Simply multiply the Mona Lisa with the Monatony Code, and you obtain Leonardo's spookily accurate prediction of a major disaster. And none of the quantum cryptographic stuff please. It's all just honest Linear Algebra, really. Viva Occam's Razor!
Actually, the spreadsheet only reveals codes extracted from the top left corner of the Monatony Matrix. The entire Matrix looks like this. A bit of an anti-climatic twist innit. Typical!
So watch this space for the Monasdaq Code that reveals Leonardo's uncanny prediction of the Dot-Com crash!