31 Oct 2005

The Curse of the Ware-Rabbit

Warebbit the Were Rabbit of Ware1
gnawed a Rabbi and turned him rabid
flick off the lights mate if you dare
both'll get you and act very morbid

Behold that pile of bone and hair
twas' a chav2 yet I care not a bit
the Warebbit ate him but it was fair
for he nicked me Welsh Rarebit3

Tony Blair oh Tony Blair
deliver us from this terrorist hare
beseeched the townsmen in despair
it ate our children raw and rare

Gunships hovered in the air
a jiffy after one spewed a flare
missiles pounded the Warebbit's lair
and laid to rest our Halloween nightmare

1 A
town outside London's M25. Think Ware, think GlaxoSmithKline.
Council-housed and violent working class teenager getting nowhere.
3 Toasted cheese sandwich.